NEELI ZINDA HAI is a new thrilling, intriguing kind of drama serial that is produced by Six Sigma Production, and now wait is over as the first episode of this drama serial is aired on ARY Digital last night. This drama serial will be air on every Thursday at 8:PM according to Pakistan Standard Time (PST). The cast of this drama includes Mohib Morza, Sonia Mishal, and Urwa Hucane as the leading characters. This is the first time when Urwa Hocane and Mohib Mirza are doing a project like this together.
The story of this drama is unique and full of suspense that is why the audience was waiting for the release of this drama for quite a long time. Now the first episode of this drama is aired on ARY Digital and you can find the summary of episode 1 below for a quick understanding of the context of episode 1.
Episode 1 starts with a family of 6 people including a couple, a daughter, a sister, and parents. The main hero is Aman and his wife's name is Sumbul. They have a daughter of 6 years who is dumb. The mother-in-law of the sumbul is fully against the sumbul and she always kept his son against the sumbul.
The Sumbul and Aman just go through shocking news of their son's death before his birth. The Aman was in Australia for quite a long time and in these 7 years of their marriage, Aman spent most of his time abroad that is why both are not understanding each other's attitude & feeling. So, Aman just came back from Australia at the death of his son after resigning from the job.
Now Aman wants to spend most of his time with his wife and daughter for which he bought a new house and shifted to it with his wife and daughter. The mother-in-law of sumbul is now totally against the sumbul and she wants to take revenge on sumbul for taking the Aman to a new house. Now the character of Neeli will be introduced in their new house in the next episode. So, stay tuned to our blog or ARY Digital.
Now you can watch episode 1 of Neeli Zinda Hai below.